Roland Romeiser and Hans Graber of the University of Miami presented NHCI radargrammetry project results at the TerraSAR-X / TanDEM-X Science Team Meeting in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany.
At IGARSS 2023 in Pasadena, CA, the PIs of the two Task 2 remote sensing groups of the University of Miami and the University of Massachusetts presented results of their Hurricane Ian studies.
Example result featuring COSMO-SkyMed SAR images obtained by the University of Miami's remote sensing team in the hours after the landfall of Hurricane Ian.
The Task 2 team has obtained SAR images of the region on Florida's west coast affected by the landfall of Hurricane Ian. This update shows a COSMO-SkyMed SAR image of the Sanibel Causeway, specifically, which was heavily damaged by the storm.
The University of Miami group prepared a status report on new achievements in the improvement of radargrammetry products.
Steve Frasier of the remote sensing group at the University of Massachusetts presented some new stereo radargrammetry results based on the Capella SAR images of the Hurricane Michael test area.
While the European Space Agency (ESA) provides SAR-derived wind fields over the ocean together with Sentinel-1 SAR imagery, users have to apply their own algorithms to retrieve wind products from SAR images from other satellites.
The University of Miami group received first radargrammetry results from industry partner Airbus Defence and Space in December. These land topography products are based on a set of SAR images of the area on the Florida panhandle where Hurricane Michael made landfall in 2018. The test images were acquired between August 26 and September 1, 2021, as reported earlier.
In today's PI meeting, both remote sensing groups reported on first findings regarding the radargrammetric processing of pairs of test images acquired in the landfall area of Hurricane Michael (2018).
In today's PI meeting, the UMass group presented example images of regions affected by the recent landfall of Hurricane Ida near New Orleans.
The two SAR remote sensing groups at the University of Massachusetts (UMass) and the University of Miami (UMiami) reported in today’s PI meeeting that their industry partners, Capella Space and Airbus Defence and Space, have acquired several SAR images that will be used for algorithm development and testing.
The European satellites Sentinel-1A and -1B acquire synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images of coastal regions of the U.S. on a regular basis, and they can be programmed to acquire additional images at times of hurricanes and similar events of interest. The European Space Agency makes all Sentinel-1 imagery available to interested users in near real time, free of charge. Together with the radar intensity images, derived wind fields are provided.