During the week of October 16-20, Roland Romeiser and Hans Graber of the University of Miami remote sensing team attended the TerraSAR-X / TanDEM-X Science Team Meeting at the German AerospaceCenter (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen, near Munich. Romeiser presented radargrammetry results from the NHCI project on Thursday morning. Later that day, Romeiser and Graber met with their project partners from Airbus Defence and Space to discuss the achievements as well as new options to use a different radargrammetry processor and to acquire bistatic TanDEM-X image pairs for single-pass cross-track interferometry before and after hurricane landfalls in the 2024 hurricane season.
Photos taken by Egbert Schwarz, DLR.
The NHCI project coordinated the airdrop of 16 surface wave buoys and subsurface water level sensors in the path of Hurricane Francine.
NOPP hosted a series of five virtual sessions in June and July of 2024 for the public to learn about the contributions and activities of the nine NOPP Hurricane Coastal Impacts (NHCI) project teams.
At the Seattle All-hands meeting in November 2023, the Deltares Modelling Team presented their results on the 2023 Hurricane Season.